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Coaching for Success
Source: Hamodia Magazine
By Yishai Gorden
May 2, 2012
Moshe, a 16 year old yeshiva student had always done well in school. Recently his parents were getting messages that their son was not keeping up and was not cooperating with his Rebbes. His parents were advised that they needed to get him some help.Someone suggested Avraham, a Certified Coach trained by the Refuah Institute, who would understand a boy in this situation. Avraham was quickly able to establish rapport and gain Moshe’s trust and cooperation. They discussed Moshe’s strengths, talents and interests and his previous successes.
Meanwhile, Avraham also coached Moshe’s parents who were perplexed and asked Avraham what had happened to their Moshe? What caused the terrible changes in his behavior? Avraham explained that nothing exceptional happened; the neurologic and physiologic changes that occur during teenage years have a greater impact on some teenagers than others.
Avraham used the Torah-based Solution Focused Coaching methodology acquired at the Refuah Institute to coach Moshe and his parents. The parents learned how to patiently encourage Moshe and support him in finding fitting solutions to his struggles. Moshe discovered that by working with Avraham he could get his parents and teachers to understand him and to successfully negotiate mutually acceptable goals.
Within two months, Moshe and his parents were understanding each other and effectively finding successful solutions. Moshe was again doing well in school much to everyone’s happy surprise.
How Torah-based Solution Focused Coaching Works
A Torah-based Solution Focused Coach assists the client to focus on the preferred solution, instead of being fixated upon and worrying about the problems. By using Torah-based Solution Focused Coaching, all of the client’s energy and resources are put to good and productive use. The coach helps the client clarify their goals and explore the desired options in an optimistic and creative way. Next the coach helps the client discover all his resources, both internal and external; his previous successes, abilities, talents, strengths, skills and knowledge gained by experience.
Why Is Coaching Becoming So Popular?
Coaching is successful and popular because it works. Coaches help clients to live more successful, fulfilled and accomplished lives, and they are paid well for that expertise. “Our coaches learn how to build confidence and increase success in their clients,” Rabbi Ritchie says. “We not only lecture about these skills — we demonstrate them and supervise the students practice it to the point where Refuah Coaches master these skills and become professionals at helping people.” With this training, Refuah graduates acquire the coaching skills necessary to help their clients develop to their full potential.
Coaching as a Career
Coaching can fit almost any schedule and area of interest. It offers a tremendous opportunity to people who want a financially rewarding and satisfying career either working from home or finding outside employment. It also allows people to gain career advancement by utilizing their coaching skills. Coaches make use of their own knowledge and expertise in areas including education, marriage, parenting, shidduchim, professional careers, business, writing, and career transitions.
Coaching with Torah Values
Refuah Institute is an organization that trains people in scientifically-proven methodology and Torah tradition to become life coaches and counselors. “Coaching is consistent with the Torah mindset” says Dr. Rabbi Joshua Ritchie, M.D., the distinguished doctor and therapist who founded Refuah. “Our guiding principle is ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’. To be a good coach, you have to have the qualities of a good Jew. We are just bringing the Torah principles that our students already know and teaching them how to apply them for their clients’ benefit. Hasn’t coaching always been part of our Torah tradition?”
Coaching Diploma and Certification
The next one-year Diploma and Certification Program begins soon. The Refuah Institute employs the latest technology to make its programs available to students in the convenience of their home by telephone conference or live interactive video conferencing. Students receive personal coach training and supervised practice with Refuah’s interactive distance-learning format.
The distinguished faculty of the Refuah Institute includes Dr. Joshua Ritchie, M.D., Dean, Rabbi Zelig Pliskin and other experienced expert faculty. Program graduates receive a Refuah Institute Diploma, as well as Certification by the American Association of Professional Coaches.
Refuah Graduates March 2003
Your sessions are definitely inspiring, helpful, very good solid tools for coaching people.
~ Chaya Sarah Radzimisnky AAPC,MCC
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